Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27 (ESV)
Children's Homes
BMDMI has cared for children in children's homes for more than 25 years through the hard work of our missionaries and national staff. There are many different circumstances that cause a child to be placed in a home, but they all received the same love, protection and care they deserve as God's precious children.

Good Shepherd Children's Home
The Good Shepherd Children’s Home (GSCH), a ministry of Baptist Medical and Dental Mission International, is a home where abused, neglected, or abandoned children are living, learning, and growing in Christ. The home is located in Zamorano, Honduras where we provide all the basic necessities such as shelter, food, clothing, and education.
Many children came to live at the GSCH because their parents simply could not afford to provide their basic needs. Others were removed from their homes by DINAF because they were living in extreme poverty, neglected, or abused. Currently, our home serves more than 40 children from infants to teenagers.
The GSCH provides medical, dental, nutritional, educational, psychological and spiritual care to the children. On nearly 70 acres, the GSCH property includes ten casitas (cottages), the Good Shepherd Christian Academy, the Library and Learning Center, a sewing center, swimming pool, full-service cafeteria, chapel, youth center, health and dental clinics, and a farm.
For more information or to sponsor a child visit the official website of the GSCH
Emmanuel Home of Protection
The EHP opened in 2008 in Diriamba, Nicaragua and was originally intended to minister to orphans, the direction quickly changed as the need was discovered for a Home that would minister to young ladies, who were victims of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. Shortly after opening for operation, a young lady was placed in the home by the Nicaraguan authorities who was 8 months pregnant. Her pregnancy was a result of the abuse she had endured. This was an unforseen area of ministry that was quickly embraced.
The young ladies in the Home range in age from newborns to 17 years-old with the exception of a couple of older young ladies with special needs. Each young lady is placed in the Home by the Nicaraguan government until they can return to their family of origin or an alternative family. Young ladies may stay in the home for a very short time or for an extended time based on their particular family situation. While they are residents of the EHP, we work hard to prepare them for a successful life outside of the environment of the Home. Each young lady receives care in the physical, spiritual, psychological, and educational areas of life. EHP also provides life skill classes and vocational training for our residents.
For more information of to sponsor a young lady, email our missionary director.