BMDMI News - Bible Institute Graduation in Nicarag

Bible Institute Graduation in Nicaragua

Roberto Sequeira

February 4, 2021

Bible Institute Graduation in Nicaragua

     First at all, I want to praise and thank God for the the privilege in being a part of the BMDMI Dwight Carr Bible Institute Ministry which is located in Diriamba, Nicaragua. This Institute offers an Educational Theological program in Bible and Leadership that lasts two years. The students come to the Bible institute facilities every Saturday to spend five hours studying. Last Saturday, January 30, we celebrated our graduation. Eight of our students completed the program successfully. All of us know that 2020 was a pretty hard year because of the Pandemic that killed many people all over the world, so it was a big challenge for the teachers and the students to keep going with the program of studying. Finally, they overcame adversities, obstacles, limitations, and fears because of the Coronavirus or Covid-19.
     One testimony of a student named Josue CastaƱeda was an amazing example of perseverance, faithfulness, and love to learn the Word of God and reach the goal. Josue had to travel by bus an hour and a half round-trip to get to the Bible Institute every Saturday. He said that one time as he was coming to the Bible Institute he was involved in a car wreck. He and his wife, miraculously, were not hurt. On another day, going back to his house he was robbed, but the robbers did not hurt him. God really protected him from being beaten or killed. Josue was the student who achieved the highest score of the graduating class. He is serving the Lord in his local church in Managua. He appreciated the Bible Institute and the teachers for their excellent work in training him to be an effective leader in his home church. As director of the Dwight Carr Bible Institute, I want to congratulate our students for reaching their goal and being equipped to serve the Lord of the Harvest by using the tools they received from the Bible institute.
     Nine students will graduate from our satellite program in Matagalpa on the 20th of February. Also, our plan for this year is to start our 2021 classes on the 27 th of February in Diriamba and the satellites in Leon and Matagalpa. Nine students in Leon have promoted to their second year and we hope to have new students starting their first year. Our Matagalpa satellite will have several new students starting the first year.
     We have three conferences scheduled this year. The first one will be on the 27th of February with the topic: The importance of the Biblical prophecy. The second will take place in June and the last one in October. This month we are planning to visit our churches to promote the Bible Institute and recruit new students.
Roberto Sequeira
Director, Dwight Carr Bible Institute
BMDMI Nicaragua
