BMDMI News - Team Season Begins in Honduras

2021 Team Season Starts in Honduras

BMDMI Honduras

February 4, 2021

2021 Team Season Starts in Honduras

     The long-awaited team season of 2021 was kicked off last week in Honduras. Team captain Frank Welch led a small team to the village of Villa Santa. Because of government restrictions we were not able to gather large crowds together for the typical evangelistic services and medical clinic that is our normal mode of operation. One of the main things about doing missions is being flexible and serving where there are open doors and opportunities. The team went door-to-door with the message of the Gospel, medical supplies and food items. See a testimony from our field director, Joseph Bennett, and team member Charlie Howell.
     The Dan Tindall team was unable to travel this year and decided to sponsor a remote assist team. However, one team member was able to travel to Honduras and go out with our missionaries, national staff and church members as they went door-to-door in a couple of small villages not far from our Bible Institute. Below you can see the testimony of the team member who was able to be on the ground in Honduras.
